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Gordon Smith explains decision to step down at SFA

Gordon Smith has said a "combination of factors" led him to leave his post as chief executive of the Scottish Football Association.
Smith stepped down on Monday and released a statement 24 hours later to explain why he was parting company with the SFA after nearly three years.
The former Rangers midfielder is concerned about his elderly parents.
"It's not purely personal reasons, or the negativity I've experienced...the timing is right," he said.
Smith took up the post in 2007, having formerly worked as a BBC Scotland sports pundit.
He played for Kilmarnock, Rangers and Brighton, while he had a spell as assistant manager with St Mirren.
Inevitably, there has been a minority (of people) who have been less than supportive
Former SFA chief executiveGordon Smith
But Smith was better known as a regular voice on BBC Scotland's football programmes Sportsound and Sportscene.
He also owned a players' agency but gave up both interests when he took up the role at Hampden after agreeing to succeed David Taylor.
"I have enjoyed my time with the Scottish FA immensely and feel privileged for having had the opportunity to play a leading role in one of the biggest and most high-profile organisations in the country," Smith said in his statement.
"As has been reported in today's press, there are external factors that need my attention. Stepping down, though, is something I have considered for some time.
"The majority of people I have encountered during nearly three years in the job have been extremely warm, friendly and hospitable towards me. Inevitably, there has also been a minority who have been less than supportive.
"This has been a difficult enough time, dealing with my mother being admitted to hospital after a fall. To compound matters, she is the carer for my father, who is seriously ill.
"It's difficult to see what Gordon Smith will look back on with any great sense of achievement"
"It is not purely personal reasons, or the element of negativity I have experienced, that has made me leave the job. It is a combination of factors. Ultimately, I feel the timing is right."
Smith said he had "thoroughly enjoyed" the challenges and expectations associated with the role at Hampden, adding that an unprecedented broadcasting deal, new kit deal and new manager offered renewed optimism for the Euro 2012 qualifying campaign.
George Peat, SFA president, thanked Smith for his efforts during his near three-year reign.
"We understand and appreciate his reasons for leaving and will commence the process to recruit a replacement at the next scheduled board meeting," he added.

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